I'd like to tell you about a few websites and go through the stages I use in order to learn a new word properly: 👇🏻 My recommendation for you to get better at speaking, memorising vocabulary and activating it right away: WITHOUT TRANSLATION! ✍🏻 🌸 1. Check the definition in one of the online dictionaries (better in several). Pay special attention to the examples so that you can see the context in which it is used, other parts of speech formed and listen to its pronunciation, repeating after the voice. 🌸 2. Check this word out in Thesaurus!!! This is a very important step, so that you can relate this new word to others that you are already familiar with and get a clearer idea of its different meanings and cases of use. 🌸 3. Go to other websites to search for more example sentences with this item. Remember which words it collocates with: ✅ 1. https://eng.ichacha.ne ✅ 2. http://sentencedict.com ✅ 3. https://www.idiomeanings.com ✅ 4. https://www.theidioms.com ✅ 5. https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com ✅ 6. https://sentence.yourdictionary.com ✅ 7. https://wordsinasentence.com ✅ 8. http://www.manythings.org ✅ 9. https://www.wordhippo.com ✅ 10. http://use-in-a-sentence.com 🌸 4. Check it out on YOUGLISH! Hearing it said by natives in the right context can definitely increase the chances of you remembering it. Not which words are used around it. 🌸 5. Make up your own sentence with this new word/expression related to your own life experience so that you can stick this association in your mind forever. 🌸 6. In the following few days do your best to squeeze this new phrase in your speech, creating such a situation on purpose. 🌸 7. It sometimes helps a lot when after having done all the previous steps, you take a look at images that Google shows you for this request. THESAURUS: 📍 http://www.thesaurus.com YOUGLISH: 📍 http://youglish.com MY FAVOURITE DICTIONARIES: 📍https://dictionary.cambridge.org 📍https://www.thefreedictionary.com / https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com 📍https://www.collinsdictionary.com 📍https://www.urbandictionary.com (SLANG) 📍https://www.merriam-webster.com 📍https://www.vocabulary.com 📍https://www.macmillandictionary.com P. S. Sometimes it even makes sense to just google the expression and see it being used on the forums, chats and articles. #discoverenglishteaching#englishtips#improveyourownenglish#englishvocabulary#notranslat

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